AYCH project extension

The Atlantic Youth Creative Hubs (AYCH) project aims to encourage entrepreneurship, enterprise and employment skills by connecting young people (aged between 16 and 30) with ideas, skills and technologies across a network of international hubs. The original AYCH project is an Interreg Atlantic Area project creating entrepreneurial work synergies between youth from France, Spain, Portugal and the United Kingdom. Early in 2023, the project was extended to include activities for youth in Ireland, which is part of the Atlantic Area. The Institute for Methods Innovation has joined the extension of the project and is responsible for expanding project activities to Ireland. These activities include recruiting AYCH Ambassadors in Ireland, arranging a local creative jam event, organising online incubation programmes, presenting an AYCH Tour to empower young people in Ireland, and participating in an International Creative Jam. Furthermore, the aim is to create job opportunities for young people from Ireland to strengthen the Irish representation in the project.


For more information about the project, visit the official website: www.aych.eu.

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