Project Ô

Project Ô is an EU-funded technology and innovation project that shows how local, targeted water treatment technologies can help improve global water management, allowing current and future generations to benefit from this shared resource.


We lead WP6, focusing on the sustainability assessments of the project’s technologies. This work package includes:

Tracking key performance indicators and studying system efficiency.

Identifying and assessing potential environmental impacts.

Analysing life cycle costs and social life cycles to determine real-world economic feasibility.

Understanding social acceptance project-related strategies for improving circular water economies.

We also co-lead WP8, focusing on external communications and stakeholder management. This work package includes:

Analysing stakeholder attitudes and expectations about sustainability aspects of water management.

Analysing expectations and capacities for communication with project partners to increase efficiency and effectiveness of reach.

Developing a project communication strategy.

Ensuring ethical and legal compliance to help build trust in the objectives and activities of the project.

Creating the project website, newsletters, managing social media and ensuring a legacy presence.

Managing events at the political and science advocacy level focusing on co-creation.

Maximising the use of social media tools.

Building a living community of practice beyond the project.

Highlights of our work

Visual media

For more information about the project, visit the official website: